Jan 20, 2010
HaPiBa* Aoi from Gazette! 8D

Mr. Sexy here is finally 31 today.

Damn, he is my Mr. Perfect XD.

Truth to be told, I love guys who's a smart ass, full with sarcasm and quick with their words. A Joker who knows how to play his cards.

Hehehe anyways, Happy birthday to Yuu! XD

Ike at 1/20/2010

Jan 18, 2010
Random Trip to Penang 8D
Last Saturday, went on a randomly planned trip to Penang. An overnight session. It was probably my first trip ever to Penang...

anyways.. It was awesome and I am looking forward to my department trip which will be held right after CNY. =w=

Orz.. and had seen the first ever Hard Rock Hotel... RM 150 per night for a deluxe room. 8D

neways.. here some piccas.. 8D

The whole group 8D

*Aten yg mengada2 kata xnak mandi tapi nk redah jugak..

a part of the scenery

It's rushing towards me D8

Ike at 1/18/2010

Jan 16, 2010
The butter or the bread knife?
Life is all about making choices....

It may be hard to decided because it will be your future....

To that special friend...

I'm always rooting for you ^^

Ossu! let's graduate our last year!! ^___^

Ike at 1/16/2010

Jan 9, 2010
Paranormal Activity
So, I've watched the same movie two days in a row and wasted RM10 on each respective day. I won't say it's a bad or a good movie but I would say it's a new awesome experience in my life where I finally see and hear two different occurrence on both days.

On the first day, I went out for the movie with my usual buddies and at first, I almost fell asleep after the first 45 minutes. but then, it got my attention when the first climax appear. :)

skipping through, On the first day at the end of the movie a GUY actually screamed his heart out and left the whole room laughing their asses off from the chair. turns out the guy who screamed was one of my course mate.

On the second day, i witness an awesome show of my housemate, a girl, screaming her hearts out, jumping out from her chair, spazzed in moments of shock and ssat back on her chair as if nothing happens...

The second night is a bit more awesome as there are more girls than guys... so.. yeah...

i did not regret watching the same thing for two days straight :D

Ike at 1/09/2010

Jan 6, 2010
I. Can. Has. Brain. Please?
It's only the first week of college in a new decade but life doesn't really change here..

I find myself getting more and more disappointed with the people around me. Their common sense to judge and making decisions are just downright worse. I'm not trying to brag saying that I'm clever or anything above others but why can't they stay in one place, take a piece of paper and a pen and jot down every pros and cons before making decisions??!!!

I feel so tired making decisions for others @ solving out simple problems...
It's like you're making those simple grade school equations while being disturbed by those pesky flies or moths....

An easy, simple task made hard...

Please people! Use your by birth given brain! D<

Ike at 1/06/2010


Welcome to Ay Ike Jay's blog..
Take a look around and don't forget to drop a line..



I don't give out my real name for some reasons..

You can call me Ay, Ikki, Ike or Jay...

A 1989 baby..

Loves the colour Red and Black

I love anything that is interesting to me.
My interest revolves mainly on art, music, dance and cosplay.

I am a proud fan of:-


February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
December 2010
September 2011
July 2012




Special Friends

Ryuugaki Noboru's

Special People

Belle Baby
Mieko <3
My Queen
My Terror-ific Uke, Honey
The Prince of Darkness, Xajin
Mr. I'm High on Sugar, Wen
The Reno
Silly Taka-Taki
The Cute Lil' Thing called Amal

School Friends

Miss Imah
Cuppy Cakers, Aaron
Miss Fardiana
The Pingu
Miss Leyla
Miss K-ly~~

College Friends



tagboard here.
width no more than 180px pwease. :D


designer: shizuka-sama
image: gazette_daily
software: adobe photoshop 7.0
font: dafont